The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

Last post 11-30-2004, 10:55 PM by Michael Mullis. 4 replies.
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  •  11-29-2004, 10:40 PM 2695

    The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

    Ok, now that I have the coding under control now I have another issue. 
    In the image and media managers I'll begin to get this message when I go into a subdirectory in my pre-set file directory.  Instead of /uploads, ours is /games.  And there are a couple thousand subdirectories inside of that.  If I click into one of those subs, I get "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden."
    I've checked permissions on both IIS and directory structure and it's wide open full control to all. 
    Any thoughts?
    By the way, now that I have this editor working, it's awesome.  Well worth the money.  Hopefully in a future release it can read multiple subdirectories in the image manager faster, but at least you can put in the url to the image instead of waiting.
  •  11-30-2004, 9:41 PM 2722 in reply to 2695

    Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

    Glad to know you like our product.
    I have no clue why you got the problem. Can you post a screenshot? Chat
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  •  11-30-2004, 10:35 PM 2725 in reply to 2722

    Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

    Ok, just to clarify what I have:
    The default directory we use for images, media, and flash is set for /games and not /uploads.  Our games directory holds over 2,000 subdirectories where images and movies are stored. 

    For example, this is one of our directories:  /games/2677/10.jpg.  And we have thumbnails for those at:  /games/2677/thumbs/10.jpg
    Now I checked both the virtual directory permissions, and the hard directory permissions.  I have probably OVER opened the directories just to get past this issue and have read and write virtual permissions checked in IIS. 
    Can I remove this code from the browse_img.asp or browse_media.asp files?
    "If InStr(Lcase(ImageGalleryPath),Lcase(trim(Session("ImageGalleryPath")))) <= 0 or Session("ImageGalleryPath") ="" then
     Response.Write "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden" 
    End If"
  •  11-30-2004, 10:44 PM 2728 in reply to 2725

    Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

    You can remove that.
    But you need to controi the security in your applications.

    That piece of code is used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing the directtories other than the directory specified in the ImageGalleryPath property.
  •  11-30-2004, 10:55 PM 2731 in reply to 2728

    Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

    Well, it's not exactly an application we're launching this from.  It's just a set of scripts that launch the editor to put text and things into.  If you'd like to see our backend please feel free to PM me and I'll share the links with you.  There really is nothing to control except the directories themselves, and we have that portion locked down in FTP.
    I did remove that line and will see how it goes for now.  However I can't go up a level once I go into a subdirectory.  Not a big deal.
    And finally, I am assuming all these wonderful buttons up top of this editor are all from the .net version and not the ASP editor?  I would LOVE to put that fit to window and spell checker into our editor.
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