Here are the sequence of steps followed
1. Opened the website with cutelive support (shows offline)
2. Operator signed in as admin (logs in correctly with operator home page popping up)
3. Operator clicks 'I am Ready '
3. Refresh the website shows on cutelive support (shows online)
4. customer initiates chat and waits
5. operator clicks the waiting cutomer in the list and starts to communicate
6. There pops a message as follows
Unable to connect to chat server. Click OK to retry or CANCEL to ignore the connection
Failed to connect to the server : NOTLOGIN,
7. Refreshing the website then again makes the livesupport offline
8. Close the livesupport operator page, asks for Logoff and exit.
Please let me know the problem and how to fix it.
Also I have multiple websites with the same communityserver (instance) setup which needs support from the same cutelivesupport instance. can this handled