gallery module doesnt do anything when added

Last post 09-08-2005, 5:36 PM by JoshSommers. 3 replies.
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  •  09-08-2005, 12:42 PM 10238

    gallery module doesnt do anything when added

        added the dotnetgallery to my module list and then went to add a gallery object.  the page refreshes and nothing appears.  what could i have done wrong?
  •  09-08-2005, 2:49 PM 10243 in reply to 10238

    Re: gallery module doesnt do anything when added

    Just make sure you set the paths to the support files and the image folder correctly:
    For example, in the page_prerender event, you could put code like this:
    gallery1.FilesPath = "~/DotNetGallery_files"
    gallery1.FolderPath = "~/CustomerImages/samplefolder"

    The ~ operator is a little know shorthand for the root of the web application, so relative to the top of your site structure. So for example if the site is, "~/DotNetGallery_files" refers to
    Hope that helps.
  •  09-08-2005, 4:15 PM 10253 in reply to 10243

    Re: gallery module doesnt do anything when added

    i checked the file paths and they are correct based on what you stated the "~" means.  i still get a security error. below is my paths.  in IIS the DotNetNuke folder is my root app folder.  so the filespath should be correct by default install, the folder path i modified and copied the sample folder over.
        FilesPath  = "~/DesktopModules/dotnetgallery/DotNetGallery_Files"
        FolderPath = "~/DesktopModules/samplefolder"
    any other suggestions?
  •  09-08-2005, 5:36 PM 10256 in reply to 10253

    Re: gallery module doesnt do anything when added

    One trick I sometimes use for debugging things like this is to view the page in question in a browser, then right-click and get the source to see what directory it is pointing to. You might find that the ~ is not returning the path you expect it to return. You could also do a messagebox or document.write to check the path.
    I am pretty new to this control too, so I am kind of just shooting in the dark, but I ran into some of the same problems. However I am really not familiar with DotNetNuke, so that may be the problem.
    When do you get the security warning? What does it say? Do you still see the page in question or it is a .net error page?
    Aside from checking that the path is right, are you certain that the folders are at those locations?
    Also, do you have the .lic file in the bin directory?
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