Cute editor frame size issue, child window loosing focus, very urgent.

Last post 11-14-2005, 5:21 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  11-14-2005, 10:57 AM 12628

    Cute editor frame size issue, child window loosing focus, very urgent.

    1) we are using cute editor in one of our screen to create message.

    in that screen we have the "save" button which saves the content of the cute editor in database.

    when we are in NORMAL mode of cute editor and add any text , flash or image in cute editor,

    and if we click save button , then we are fine, it saves content to database and cute editor frame size remains same,

    But if we change the cute editor to PREVIEW mode and try to save that same content,

    the content is saved but the width of cute editor frame is reduced.

    2) we have view button in the same screen,

    we are using following code to open child window , in this case child window is loosing focus.

    it was not in the case of cute soft version 4.

    waiting for your suggestions, thanking you.

    protected void view_Clicked(object Src, EventArgs E)
    Response.Write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>");
    Response.Write("var winprops ='height=685,width=805,top=15,left=105,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no';");
    Response.Write("var win ='AlViewEmailContent.aspx?co_id=" + m_sCompanyId + "', 'chkDetail1', winprops);");
    Response.Write("if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)");

  •  11-14-2005, 5:21 PM 12651 in reply to 12628

    Re: Cute editor frame size issue, child window loosing focus, very urgent.

     gurpreet wrote:
    2) we have view button in the same screen,

    we are using following code to open child window , in this case child window is loosing focus.

    it was not in the case of cute soft version 4.

    waiting for your suggestions, thanking you.

    protected void view_Clicked(object Src, EventArgs E)
    Response.Write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>");
    Response.Write("var winprops ='height=685,width=805,top=15,left=105,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no';");
    Response.Write("var win ='AlViewEmailContent.aspx?co_id=" + m_sCompanyId + "', 'chkDetail1', winprops);");
    Response.Write("if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)");


    Can you paste the code of the AlViewEmailContent.aspx?

    This example may help: 
    In the kid.aspx, please note that the following funtion: 

    <body onload="setTimeout(getparentdata,1000);" bgcolor="#efefef">
    function getparentdata()

     // get the cute editor instance
     var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>');
     // Set the editor
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