I went several pages back into the forum and I'm not 100% on which license to purchase.
I am developing a solution for a client (which will be both front-end site and intranet) on my machine using .NET 2.0. The client is purchasing their own server and will only be using 1 server to host the whole site. The intranet, which is the only part of the site I will need Cute Editor .NET for is being developed at ~/intranet/ . I will not need to use the component anywhere else on the site. 2 domain names will point to this one server, but I only need it on of those 2 domain names.
1) Which license is right for me?
2) Since the solution is being developed at http://localhost:XXXX/clientname/intranet/ , will I be able to have full functionality while developing the solution that the live server will have once I publish the site?
3) If down the road, I need the ability to use the editor on the other domain name, which license should I purchase?
Thanks for any insight you can give.