Yes, using Visual Studio.NET 2003 and the CuteEditor_Files folder is included. I excluded the folder, then reincluded it to get the prompt about building code behind files. I clicked OK to build each one but that didn't fix the pop up problem. Here's the first line of the aspx page:
< % @ Page CodeBehind="insert_link.aspx.cs" Language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Marketing.CuteEditor_files.Scripts.insert_link" %>
When I click the link pop up button on the CE I get an error saying "Cannot load type Marketing.CuteEditor_files.Scripts.insert_link". Should the inherits line match the class compiled into the CuteEditor.dll?<%@ Page CodeBehind="insert_link.aspx.cs" Language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Marketing.CuteEditor_files.Scripts.insert_link" %>