Problem migration to version 5

Last post 02-27-2006, 3:53 PM by SGi. 10 replies.
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  •  02-02-2006, 8:14 AM 15485

    Problem migration to version 5

    Some question about my migration:
    I'm using editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css" to define the text style in editor. What i can delete from it? (example a.othertabs:link, a.othertabs:visited, a.othertabs:active)
    I'm using editor.XHTMLOutput = true but i have <br> and not <br />
    If i set in the page <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> i've problem in editor: no possible to set height and width, wrong right editor border, etc...
    How i can reproduce the contextual menù as editor in your forum?

    The logotext property do not exist in 5 ?
    What are the difference between Editor.EditorBodyStyle Property and Editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss?
  •  02-02-2006, 10:48 AM 15495 in reply to 15485

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    Another. if the asp variable that i put in  editor.Text is blank, server return an error:

    Errore di run-time di Microsoft VBScript (0x800A000D)
    Tipo non corrispondente: 'HTMLEncode'
    /intranet/editor5/gocityeditor/include_CuteEditor.asp, line 696

  •  02-02-2006, 11:44 AM 15498 in reply to 15495

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    fixed HTMLEncode problem.
    Another big... what is changed from version 3? i can't read content with request.form("Editor1_HTMLContent") ( i save with onFocus="save(Editor1);") ????
  •  02-02-2006, 2:17 PM 15509 in reply to 15498

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    >>Another big... what is changed from version 3? i can't read content with request.form("Editor1_HTMLContent") ( i save with onFocus="save(Editor1);") ????
    That's not a bug.
    In the version 3.0, CE uses the following method to read content.
    In the version 4.x and 5.x,  CE uses the following method to read content.  
    And the onFocus="save(Editor1);" has been removed.
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
    Live Support:

  •  02-02-2006, 2:36 PM 15512 in reply to 15509

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    So why you don't write in guide??????
    Now work without onFocus="save(Editor1);" ?
    what about this issues?
    • I'm using editor.XHTMLOutput = true but i have <br> and not <br />
    • If i set in the page <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> i've problem in editor: no possible to set height and width, wrong right editor border, etc...
    • editor.EditorOnPaste don't work
    • editor accept dangerous <script> tags.
  •  02-02-2006, 5:36 PM 15534 in reply to 15512

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    >>I'm using editor.XHTMLOutput = true but i have <br> and not <br />

    Strange. Can you reproduce this in the following example?

    >>If i set in the page <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> i've problem in editor: no possible to set height and width, wrong right editor border, etc...
    Do you get the same result?

    >>editor.EditorOnPaste don't work

    Can you explain this issue in details?

    We have an online demo for testing the editor.EditorOnPaste feature:

    >>editor accept dangerous <script> tags.

    Online demo:

    Editor.EnableStripScriptTags Property
    Specifies whether to remove inject script before write the string into the db.

    Example Code

               Dim editor
               Set editor = New CuteEditor
               editor.ID = "Editor1"
               'Specifies whether to remove inject script before write the string into the db.
               editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false
               editor.Text = "Hello World"

    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
    Live Support:

  •  02-03-2006, 6:00 AM 15559 in reply to 15534

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    1. Yes, is strange but don't work. In online demo work good. here no! and i've setted editor.XHTMLOutput = true

    2. If you do not specify height and width as in there are only smart propblem. but try to set them.... the editable area is not visible!

    3. In version 3 if i past text from  webpage or word... i can see only plain text. That is good if you want to store data in database without formatting. In this version when i past from webpage or word it take all the formatting data! I've tested all option, with the same result. It past all! So i want, as in version3, to past only plain text when use contextual menu > paste.

    4. if i paste <script>alert('hello')</script> in html mode on your demo and then press on preview mode or normal mode, the script will be removed. Here no! and i've set editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false

    5. I cant use the emoticon with relative path. Why?

    Now i'm thinking that i've an out-of-date version. I've downloaded it two days ago.

        Dim editor
       Set editor = New CuteEditor
       editor.ID = "Editor1"
       editor.XHTMLOutput = true
       editor.AutoConfigure = "gocity_easy1"
       editor.Width = 444
       editor.Height = 300
       editor.Text = alertalert
       editor.FilesPath = "../editor5/gocityeditor"
       editor.CustomCulture = "it-IT"
       editor.ThemeType = "Office2003"
       editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "/intranet/inc/css/editor.css"
       editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false
       editor.BreakElement = "br"
       editor.EditorOnPaste = "PasteText"
    and don't work the example too
       dim content
       content = "Type here"    
       Dim editor
       Set editor = New CuteEditor
       editor.ID = "Editor1"
       editor.Text = content
       editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
       editor.EditorBodyStyle = "table { font:normal 12px arial; }"
       editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
       editor.XHTMLOutput = true
       ' Request.Form(ID) access from other page
  •  02-03-2006, 1:22 PM 15572 in reply to 15559

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    1. NOW WORK. but i've loose 2 days about.  it is editor.XHTMLOutput = "true" and not editor.XHTMLOutput = true as in your example, guide, and as tell me Karen in support!

    2. If you do not specify height and width as in there are only smart problem. but try to set them.... the editable area is not visible!

    3. In version 3 if i past text from  webpage or word... i can see only plain text. That is good if you want to store data in database without formatting. In this version when i past from webpage or word it take all the formatting data! I've tested all option, with the same result. It past all! So i want, as in version3, to past only plain text when use contextual menu > paste or ctrl+v. Don't work for me your online demo.

    4. now with editor.EnableStripScriptTags = "false" (and not editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false as in your example and  guide) it work bun only in some case. In other the script is not deleted from html!

    5. I want to use absolute path for images (without base url) but if use editor.UseRelativeLinks = "false", it don't work and make conflict with editor.XHTMLOutput = "true".  Please help / fix.
  •  02-07-2006, 4:25 PM 15687 in reply to 15572

    Re: Problem migration to version 5

    hey i'm waiting support from friday!
  •  02-27-2006, 3:53 PM 16477 in reply to 16322

    Re: Those problems are only seen with Italian language

    What was the fix for the doctype problem, please?
    If you include the doctype at the top, editor.Width and editor.Height do not work, if you leave he doctype out, CuteEditor width and height work, but the rest of the page's css files I made looks awful.
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