There is a problem with Integration Package version of CuteChat using Visual Studio 2005. Hereunder the solution:
- Copy the CuteSoft_Client directory in your web site
- Exclude from the project the general.aspx file
- Don't use the global.asax file in the vb directory instead put just one line of code
<%@ Application Language="VB" Inherits="mycutechatfix" %>
- In the app_code directory create a file called mycutechatfix.vb. Hereunder the source code
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Web
Imports CuteSoft.Chat
Class mycutechatfix : Inherits HttpApplication
Implements CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationConnectionStringProvider
Implements CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationUserAdapter
Implements CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationDataProvider
Implements CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationSupportLogin
'.... PUT HERE THE ORIGINAL GLOBAL.ASAX file (hereunder just the first function as reference)
Public Function GetConnectionString(ByVal user As CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity) As String Implements CuteSoft.Chat.IHttpApplicationConnectionStringProvider.GetConnectionString
Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("CuteChatCS")
End Function
' .......................................
End Class
If am wrong somewhere let me know. Thanks