cutechat installation in communityserver 2.0

Last post 07-30-2006, 12:38 PM by selliott. 1 replies.
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  •  07-28-2006, 1:50 AM 21326

    cutechat installation in communityserver 2.0

    To integrate cutechat with community server 2.0, I just followed 3 steps:
    1. Upload dll and liense files to the bin directory.
    2.Upload 2 .ascx files to the "themes" folder(skins directory).
    3.Upload 2 .aspx files. to the web directory.
    But when I run the application, possibly any resource confliction happened. It shows an error, Editor can not load the type FreeTextbox.FTB so  that message posting can't be possible.
    Can anyone face this problem or any error in my upload method??
    Can anyone help me?? 
  •  07-30-2006, 12:38 PM 21381 in reply to 21326

    Re: cutechat installation in communityserver 2.0

    I can't answer your question, but I did notice that you didn't mention uploading the CuteSoft_Client folder, which contains all the files for the chat rooms.
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