Any way to force the use of #-colors instead of named colors?

Last post 08-08-2006, 7:56 PM by Dmitri. 2 replies.
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  •  08-08-2006, 10:03 AM 21629

    Any way to force the use of #-colors instead of named colors?

    Is there some (perhaps undocumented) way to have the color selection button to always generate numeric colors instead of named ones?  E.g. the default/initial button color that is generated is 'red', -- can I force it to always/consistently be '#FF0000' instead?
  •  08-08-2006, 2:27 PM 21658 in reply to 21629

    Re: Any way to force the use of #-colors instead of named colors?

    Please check this:
    Customizing the colors used in the editor?
    The Colors Panel of Cute Editor by default displays a predefined set of colors. You can easily modify this default set by modifying the CuteEditorconstants.js file which can be found in the CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/ folder..

    Customizing the color

    By default all colors in the following color array will be used in the editor color panel.

    var colorsArray = new Array("#000000","#993300","#333300","#003300","#003366","#000080","#333399","#333333",

    You can easily modify this default set by creating your own color array.

    var colorsArray = new Array("#FF0000","#FF9900","#99CC00","#339966","#33CCCC","#3366FF","#800080","#999999",

    You can also disable the "more colors" option by set ShowMoreColors to false. Chat
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  •  08-08-2006, 7:56 PM 21685 in reply to 21658

    Re: Any way to force the use of #-colors instead of named colors?

    Thank you for the reply, however that wasn't my question...
    I've narrowed it down a bit... hopefully this will help.  When I click on the "color" button without using the drop-down to select a color (i.e. red by default), the style applied is 'red' (i.e. named color), not '#FF0000' (numeric).  After I select the same red color from the dropdown, the style is '#FF0000'.  Once the selection is made, the rest of the styles are "numeric"/RGB...  It's just that very first time, it is the word 'red'.
    Is that initial value configurable at all, or is it hard-coded somewhere inside the DLL?  E.g. can I bring the control up with that button having some other color by default, instead of red?
    Thanks again.
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