Needed : a pre-compiled version of CuteEditor

Last post 09-07-2006, 5:10 AM by [email protected]. 1 replies.
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  •  08-31-2006, 5:00 PM 22270

    Needed : a pre-compiled version of CuteEditor

    Hello all,
    I love CuteEditor, but it does have one quirk that, as a developer, drives me absolutely crazy.
    CuteEditor is a large project.  It adds significantly to the compile-time of my solutions.  Additionally, any time I do a "Find in Files" for my solution, it takes forever-and-a-day, since it needs to search through the entirety of CuteEditor as well as the rest of my solution.  And source control?  Fuhgettaboutit.  Do you have any idea how long it takes to add CuteEditor to source control?  Let's just say that we don't even bother anymore.
    Here's what would be ideal - a way for me to compile CuteEditor to a single DLL.  This would allow me the chance to make changes to the config files and .ASCX files.  Then I could compile it and refer to it from my other files.  No more insane compile times.  No more crazy-slow searches.  No more source control delays.
    Here's what would be almost as good - a precompiled version.  This wouldn't allow me to make changes to the .ASCX files, but at least it wouldn't slow me down as much.
    Here's what would be acceptable - a simple version of CuteEditor.  CuteEditor Lite, if you will.  The fact is that I don't need or want most of CuteEditor's features, and that most of the customization I've done to the .ASCX files has been to turn features off.  The idea is that a simplified form of CuteEditor, even if it didn't come precompiled, would be a smaller project and wouldn't cause the same delays that CuteEditor causes.
    Does anybody here know how to compile CuteEditor down to a single DLL?  If not, does anybody know if this is a problem that CuteSoft plans on addressing in the future?
  •  09-07-2006, 5:10 AM 22476 in reply to 22270

    Re: Needed : a pre-compiled version of CuteEditor

    I think you can exclude CuteEditor folder from the solution itself. You can include in VSS, but not in the solution, that way you can share the files as well as not go through VS.NET hell for tons of files!.
    Hope this helps,
    Best Regards,
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