Printing problem

Last post 10-28-2006, 6:03 PM by Bindujiju. 2 replies.
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  •  10-25-2006, 4:34 PM 23822

    Printing problem

    I have few problems with printing. I thought I will use SavePDF functioanlity within cuteeditor, but then the page break doesn't work.
    1. If I want to print from as aspx page, I am getting header and footer, is there a way to get rid of that programmatically.
    2. I found a solution to remove header and footer by setting the response.contenttype = "Application/msword", but the problem with that is, it is showing a horizontal line at the bottom of the page, this doesn't show in the browser, only while printing it shows up. Also the margin size is big.
    Any help will be appreciated. Any alternatives for printing without header and footer programmatically is welcome.
  •  10-25-2006, 4:54 PM 23823 in reply to 23822

    Re: Printing problem

    Can you tell me how you use the print function? By clicking the print button or use SavePDF functioanlity ?
    Please check Editor.PrintFullWebPage Property.
    Editor.PrintFullWebPage Property
    By default Cute Editor will print the content in the editing area only. When this property is set to true, Cute Editor will print the whole web page.
    Keep me posted

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  •  10-28-2006, 6:03 PM 23884 in reply to 23823

    Re: Printing problem

    I have a Save and Print Preview button below the cuteeditor control, when that button is clicked, I save the cuteeditor content to database and then in the same event, I am using in javascript to open the print preview.aspx page in a new window. This page will show the saved content from the database, I also replace pagebreaks with the company logo, so each printed page will have the company logo, I am also setting the response.contenttype = "application/msword" The reason to set this is if I don't set this, the header (page n of n) and footer (url of the page) from the browser shows up in the printed page. Once the print preview page shows up, for printing I use File -> Print from the IE menu bar. The problem was it was showing a horizontal line at the bottom on the printed page, now I solved it, still I have a problem, the margin size is too wide, users can go to File -> Page setup and change the margins, but that is additional work for the users.
    I will explain what we need to do and may be you might have better suggestion. We want to prepare company letters using cuteeditor, and we need company logo as the letter head. If the page exceeds more than 1 page, those pages also should have logo. First I was thinking of creating letter head (company logo) as a template within cuteeditor and then create pdf, but then the problem is page break doesn't work in pdfs. Also if there are more than 1 page, those pages also should have company logo. Please let me know if there is anything I can do with cuteeditor.
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