Style and Head Tags From Template vs. Paste Issue

Last post 11-14-2006, 8:14 PM by javertiz. 3 replies.
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  •  10-31-2006, 10:40 PM 23932

    Style and Head Tags From Template vs. Paste Issue

    I have a saved template with the following <HEAD> tags:

    <style type="text/css">
       a {text-decoration: none;color: #02568d;}

    The issue is that if I open the template in the editor it completely removes anything in the <HEAD> section as well as any parameters in the <BODY> tag.

    Now, if I start with a blank document, go into HTML view, delete all and then paste the template HTML in (with the same HEAD and BODY then all works fine.  No problems.

    Seems like there is a bug when loading a template which drops anything in the HEAD tags and removes attributes of the <BODY> tag.  Any ideas on how to bypass this besides having to copy/paste the template HTML instead of loading it directly?

    It is for a client who just needs to be able to use one of multiple pre-saved templates.


  •  11-01-2006, 12:59 AM 23934 in reply to 23932

    Re: Style and Head Tags From Template vs. Paste Issue

    In the current version, when loading HTML code from template files, only the code contains in the <body></body> tage will be inserted into Cute Editor. Other HTML code will be automatically removed.
    If you want to load full HTML document into the editor, please use the following method:

    Editor.LoadHtml Method 

    Loads the contents of a HTML file into the CuteEditor control.


    _filename The html file to load into CuteEditor


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  •  11-01-2006, 9:38 PM 23964 in reply to 23934

    Re: Style and Head Tags From Template vs. Paste Issue

    Can I assign that function call to a button or do I need to do it when I initiate a new instance of the editor?
  •  11-14-2006, 8:14 PM 24328 in reply to 23964

    Re: Style and Head Tags From Template vs. Paste Issue

    Any ideas on this?
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