I just tried FreeTextBox, a product we've been working with (but we want to move to CuteEditor because of flaws in FTB), and it almost correctly applies on-the-fly changes to font, size and colour after the current cursor position.
Instead of selecting the entire row prior to cursor position, FreeTextBox scans back to the first blank space before the current cursor position and applies the new setting to all characters after that blank position up to the cursor position, so you get something like this:
and it continues
(I started with size 6, then applied a new setting of size 2 after typing "continues". "continues" converted from 6 to 2)
This is at least a much better solution that selecting the entire row.
Also, FreeTextBox does NOT select the previous word after applying the setting. Also, FreeTextBox correctly continues to apply the current settings to the next row when pressing [Enter].
You can try at:
and compare with CuteEditor at
(These sites will be closed after a week or so)