Chat in Frame - Popup Disconnects

Last post 11-20-2004, 10:56 AM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  11-19-2004, 2:10 PM 2487

    Chat in Frame - Popup Disconnects

    I have CuteChat in an iframe on on page. That page not only contains the iframe but it also has a Flash movie, which polls the database for Instant Message requests for an application I wrote. If there is an Instant Message, the flash movie executes a javascript popup. When this happens, the chat room disconnects. Any ideas?
  •  11-20-2004, 10:56 AM 2497 in reply to 2487

    Re: Chat in Frame - Popup Disconnects


    the CuteChat would disconnect when a window is unloading..
    To prevent this,
    use"url","_blank") would be ok .
    and do not use somethink like <a href="#" onclick="...">...
    I don't kown hwo the flash , but please avoid the navigating or current window.
    Regards , Terry .
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