Font-size in editor iframe

Last post 12-21-2006, 4:24 AM by Activator. 2 replies.
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  •  12-08-2006, 5:43 AM 24982

    Font-size in editor iframe

    With EditorWysiwygModeCss I refer to the site's default stylesheet.
    In that stylesheet I have the font-size for the html tag set to 0.7em:
    html { font-size: 0.7em}
    In my normal site's pages all goes well,
    but in the editor windows the font is not resized.
    Anyone knows what to do?
    Kind regards,
  •  12-08-2006, 4:07 PM 25003 in reply to 24982

    Re: Font-size in editor iframe

    Can you provide more information?
    The default size for 'medium' text in all modern browsers is 16px.
    so you will get 16px* 0.7 em = 11.2 px. Is that what you are trying to achieve?
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  •  12-21-2006, 4:24 AM 25281 in reply to 25003

    Re: Font-size in editor iframe

    Sorry for the long delay of my reaction, I've been away for a couple of days. 
    The 0.7em in the html tag specifies that the default font-size on my site depends on the font-size that the user has selected in his browser. Normally, that will indeed result in 0.7 * the medium font size, but when a user for instance selects 'larger', it will be 0.7 * that larger font-size. In this way, all text is resized according to the user's preference (including in IE6, in which specifying '11.2px' for the font-size would not allow resizing by the user). It is not possible for me to include the 0.7em in an other element than the html tag, because other items can be nested, resulting in smaller and smaller fonts (0.7 * 0.7 etc).
    What I noticed is that all elements of my stylesheet are used/applied in the editor (in the iframe document), except the style for the html tag, resulting in too large fonts in the editor. When I browse the dom for the iframe element, indeed I can see all styles, except the styles specified for the html tag. So in some way, the editor uses the whole stylesheet, except the specs for the html tag.
    I hope you have a solution for my problem?
    Thank you very much in advance!
    Kind regards,
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