Two Question

Last post 12-03-2004, 5:05 PM by beerbear. 2 replies.
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  •  11-25-2004, 3:35 PM 2590

    Two Question

    1. i've see a file named browse_image_with delete.asp. How can i use it?
    2. when i choice a document with browse_document the document title is not applied to name of download but only at "title tag". How can i edit for display the title also as link name?
    Thank you
  •  11-29-2004, 2:33 PM 2677 in reply to 2590

    Re: Two Question

    >>1. i've see a file named browse_image_with delete.asp. How can i use it?
    The file add a delete button to the browse_image.asp.
    If you want to enable this file, just the modify the insert_image.asp file.
    <iframe src="browse_Img.asp?...
    <iframe src="browse_image_with delete.asp?...

    >>2. when i choice a document with browse_document the document title is not applied to name of download but only at "title tag". How can i edit for display the title also as link name?

    Please modify the CuteEditor_files/Languages/en-en.xml language file.

    To change the title of Downloadable Files, please modify the following line:

    <resource name = "DownloadableFiles">Downloadable Files</resource>

  •  12-03-2004, 5:05 PM 2823 in reply to 2677

    Re: Two Question

    For 1st question, if i call the browse image with delete i get an error. my browser is in italian language... but is about "fil object".
    For 2nd... sorry you've not understand me. i don't want to cahnge the window nam but i like that when i give a name to a downlod it not began only the title tag of file (alt) but the link nam to.

    I want this: <a href="folder/name_of_ file.doc" title="take this file">take this file</a>

    and not <a href="folder/name_of_ file.doc" title="take this file">folder/name_of_ file.doc</a>
    Thank u
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