GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888

Last post 12-11-2004, 1:22 AM by cutechat. 6 replies.
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  •  12-02-2004, 1:48 AM 2779

    GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888

    An error occurred while try to load the string resources (GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888).

    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

    Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: An error occurred while try to load the string resources (GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888).
    Source Error:

    The source code that generated this unhandled exception can only be shown when compiled in debug mode. To enable this, please follow one of the below steps, then request the URL:

    1. Add a "Debug=true" directive at the top of the file that generated the error. Example:

      <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>


    2) Add the following section to the configuration file of your application:

           <compilation debug="true"/>

    Note that this second technique will cause all files within a given application to be compiled in debug mode. The first technique will cause only that particular file to be compiled in debug mode.

    Important: Running applications in debug mode does incur a memory/performance overhead. You should make sure that an application has debugging disabled before deploying into production scenario.

    Stack Trace:

    [HttpException (0x80004005): An error occurred while try to load the string resources (GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888).]
       System.Web.StringResourceManager.ReadSafeStringResource(Type t) +376
       System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.ReadStringResource(Type t) +5
    [TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.]
       System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly) +0
       System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) +66
       System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser.GetCompiledInstance(String virtualPath, String inputFile, HttpContext context) +164
    [HttpException (0x80004005): Failed to create page of type 'ASP.Default_Aspx'.]
       System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser.GetCompiledInstance(String virtualPath, String inputFile, HttpContext context) +340
       System.Web.UI.PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstanceInternal(String virtualPath, String inputFile, HttpContext context) +43
       System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory.GetHandler(HttpContext context, String requestType, String url, String path) +44
       System.Web.HttpApplication.MapHttpHandler(HttpContext context, String requestType, String path, String pathTranslated, Boolean useAppConfig) +698
       System.Web.MapHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication+IExecutionStep.Execute() +96
       System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +173

    Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032
    Any idea's what might be causing this?
  •  12-02-2004, 2:53 PM 2799 in reply to 2779

    Re: GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888

    Not sure what causes the error.
    Can you send you site URL to us through PM?
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
    Live Support:

  •  12-03-2004, 9:14 PM 2826 in reply to 2779

    Re: GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888

    It seems that , it's just an error .

  •  12-04-2004, 8:55 PM 2845 in reply to 2826

    Re: GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888

    Could you be more specific? How about what kind of error? Since the error relates to the CuteChat code - perhaps you might let me know if there is something I can do about it??

  •  12-06-2004, 8:35 AM 2852 in reply to 2845

    Re: GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888

    Could you try this:
    delete all C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\*.*
    reboot the computer
    Regards , Terry .
  •  12-10-2004, 11:08 PM 2969 in reply to 2852

    Re: GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888

    That appears to have been the issue and has been replicated on staging. Since this is a production server - it can't be rebooted until the next maintenance cycle. Thanks for your help.

    FYI: This server is a Win2k server, and is being retired and replaced with a newer Win2k3 OS. I haven't seen much on here regarding Win2k3 installations, but does CuteChat have any known issues with Win2k3 Standard edition??


  •  12-11-2004, 1:22 AM 2971 in reply to 2969

    Re: GetModuleHandle failed with error -2147023888


    The Win2003 is better .
    I have two pc for deverlopment , both are installed the Windows2003
    Regards , Terry .
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