Messenger: Launching the other users window

Last post 09-14-2007, 12:58 PM by Wolverine10. 1 replies.
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  •  09-13-2007, 3:53 PM 33541

    Messenger: Launching the other users window

    I have messenger working fine in DNN 4.4.1...Launching the chat window from my "buddy list module".
    But is there any way to launch the "selected" users IM window when I type my first message instead of having it be an offline message?
    Cause how is someone supposed to know someone is trying to IM them otherwise?
    I know the answer is probably "no" cause the window would have to launch a new browser window on the selected user's machine...
    But there should be some kind of "notification" that someone is trying to contact them through the can open the window.
    Any one solve this?
  •  09-14-2007, 12:58 PM 33564 in reply to 33541

    Re: Messenger: Launching the other users window

    got my answer...
    Can not do it currently.
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