Customizing SupportClient HTML

Last post 02-13-2008, 12:12 PM by phat_bastard. 2 replies.
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  •  02-13-2008, 11:16 AM 37007

    Customizing SupportClient HTML

    In the previous version of SupportClient.aspx, the header "Welcome to" was static text but in the new version it's been replaced with a call to ChatWebUtility.SupportRoomTitle.  This looks like new functionality that I might want to utilize, but where is this set within the application?  Also, your help file 'CuteLiveSupportUserGuide.chm' should be updated on this topic.
    In the script Support-Image-Button.js.aspx, the string constant _liveHelpDialogFeature has never worked (even in v3) and should be dimensioned and included in the c# code instead of as jscript.

  •  02-13-2008, 11:47 AM 37011 in reply to 37007

    Re: Customizing SupportClient HTML

    >>In the previous version of SupportClient.aspx, the header "Welcome to" was static text but in the new version it's been replaced with a call to ChatWebUtility.SupportRoomTitle
    Login as admin, go to the control panel and click Live Support Configuration tab.
    >>Also, your help file 'CuteLiveSupportUserGuide.chm' should be updated on this topic.
    We are working on a new developer guide right now and will publish it in the weekend.
    >>In the script Support-Image-Button.js.aspx, the string constant _liveHelpDialogFeature has never worked (even in v3) and should be dimensioned and included in the c# code instead of as jscript.
    I will check it today and get back to you as soon as possible. Chat
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  •  02-13-2008, 12:12 PM 37020 in reply to 37011

    Re: Customizing SupportClient HTML

    Login as admin, go to the control panel and click Live Support Configuration tab.
    Thanks, found that while looking for the other option relative to Departments.
    >>In the script Support-Image-Button.js.aspx, the string constant _liveHelpDialogFeature has never worked (even in v3) and should be dimensioned and included in the c# code instead of as jscript.
    I will check it today and get back to you as soon as possible.
    No response is necessary, I just wanted to mention it in hopes of it being fixed so other customers wouldn't end up wasting their time.
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