Version Issues

Last post 03-11-2008, 4:54 PM by Karen. 3 replies.
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  •  03-11-2008, 1:50 PM 37804

    Version Issues

    I have purchased version 3.0 of cute chat and now I want to get cute messenger working. I am being told I should upgrade to 4.0 of messenger because you do not have a LIC file for 3.0.
    Does this mean I also need to upgrade to 4.0 of cute chat or can they both run together.
    If they can run together how is this done? The bin folder holds the DLL's which I think would need to be replace with the new version. This would cause a conflict if I am not mistaken.
    If not then you are telling me I need to purchase the upgrade to 4.0 of cute chat just so I can use cute messenger 4.0. Will you at least offer me  a discount for forcing me to upgrade a product that is already installed and working that does not need upgrading unless I want messenger.
    I have asked this question to several of your support people via email and have not recieved an answer. They all tell me I need to ask this question in the support forums.
    Let me know how I should proceed.
  •  03-11-2008, 2:05 PM 37806 in reply to 37804

    Re: Version Issues

    1. If you own a version 3.x product, you can write to [email protected] and specify the email address used when placing the order.  In this email, you can request a new trial version of web messenger 3.x.
    2. If you don't own a version 3.x product, you can't get a new trial version of web messenger 3.x. You should use the version 4.0.
    3. Version 3.0 can not be installed with version 4.0 on the same location.  You need to choose version 3.0 or version 4.1.
    4. If you want to upgrade version 4.1 and you own a version of 3.x, we do offer an upgrade discount.
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  •  03-11-2008, 4:19 PM 37809 in reply to 37806

    Re: Version Issues

    Karen already told me that she did not have a version of 3.x lic file so I guess option #1 is out.
    Thus I already own a copy of CuteChat Version 3.0 so option #2 is out
    So I guess option #3 is out as well because you do not have a version 3.0 lic file.
    Leaving no other options available to someone like myself I have gone ahead against my better judgment and upgraded to version 4.1 of CuteChat for an extra cost of $149 and then I purchased a copy of Cute Messenger for a cost of $249 and now I have nothing working....GREAT!!!!
    You have provided code to hook into a membership website but the code provided is in C# and my application is VB and I am not a C# developer so I can not figure out how to implement this code in VB.
    Can you please provide a VB example of the global.asax showing how to tie into a membership website. I was able to do this for version 3.0 without any trouble but with the changes made to the application I am clueless as to how to do this now.
    Well I only wanted to get messenger working and I was forced to upgrade to 4.1 of cute chat to now have neither working correctly. I am not very happy :(
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