margin-left attribute used within a draggable div's inline code

Last post 06-12-2009, 9:30 AM by davidlockett. 0 replies.
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  •  06-12-2009, 9:30 AM 53072

    margin-left attribute used within a draggable div's inline code

    When an absolute (floating) div is dragged within cute editor, the position left: attribute is by default applied to the div's inline code. This aligns the div to the left hand edge of the browser window.
    Is it possible to change this attribute to a position margin-left: attribute so that when a div is dragged, margin-left becomes the default attribute for horizontal positioning, and if this is possible how/where in the editor code can it be accomplished?
    Enabling this feature would align the dragged div to the left hand edge of the local container in which the code for the dragged div is located and would be especially valuable for use with horizontally centred pages. The dragged div would then move with the underlying centered page when a browser window is resized instead of remaining static which is what happens with the position left attribute.
    Currently, if you manually code margin-left to replace the absolute position left attribute within a div that is contained within a horizontally centered table cell or within a none absolutely positioned centered div, you can see that this works when the browser window is resized. However, as soon as you drag the absolute div to a new location on the page, the editor inserts a position left attribute into the inline code, which overrides the margin-left attribute. 
    A margin-top attribute would not work for vertical positioning and would not be of any value, although a margin-left attribute would work well with pages that are centered within a browser window, and would significantly increase the value of the editor.
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