How can I process HTML tables with the RTF converter?

Last post 02-11-2010, 6:48 PM by jgarifuna. 2 replies.
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  •  02-10-2010, 4:41 PM 58648

    How can I process HTML tables with the RTF converter?

    From testing the HTML to RTF converter in the .NET version, I noticed that HTML tables are not properly converted to RTF.
    Is there a way I can convert HTML tables to RTF?
  •  02-10-2010, 5:24 PM 58651 in reply to 58648

    Re: How can I process HTML tables with the RTF converter?

    Dear jgarifuna,
    Please save your html code to one file and then send it to [email protected], we will investigate it.
  •  02-11-2010, 6:48 PM 58676 in reply to 58651

    Re: How can I process HTML tables with the RTF converter?

    I sent it already. Please let me know if you did not receive it.
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