Editor is NOT working in Jquery Dialog in Chrome and Safari browser

Last post 04-02-2010, 12:22 AM by Anonymous. 2 replies.
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  •  03-29-2010, 4:29 AM 59705

    Editor is NOT working in Jquery Dialog in Chrome and Safari browser

    We are having Editor in Jquery Dialog in our application. It's working fine in IE and Firefox . but NOT in chorme and safari browsers. In chrome and Safari (editor with Jquery Dialog)  it does not allow to enter the text even.
    Please Let us know the solution for this if any. Looking forward to your help.
  •  03-29-2010, 9:46 AM 59711 in reply to 59705

    Re: Editor is NOT working in Jquery Dialog in Chrome and Safari browser

       I ran into this as well.  First of all, and you may already know this, if you are using an updatepanel to show the Editor make sure the updatepanel is inside the div that you are using to define the dialog.  Also, on the open event for the dialog make sure that you move the div's parent inside the .net form tag. You have to do these two things because the jQuery dialog control creates the structure for the dialog as the last object in the body tag and then moves the div that you want to use inside of it.  This moves the div out of the form and any updatepanel that it might be in.
       After that, to solve the problem that you mentioned, I had to disable the dialog's show animation to make the editor work.  I did this only for Safari (our app doesn't support Chrome). 
    Hope this helps,
  •  04-02-2010, 12:22 AM 59826 in reply to 59711

    Re: Editor is NOT working in Jquery Dialog in Chrome and Safari browser

    Hello bczengel,
    Thanks for reply.
    I had already taken care for updatepanel inside the div and moving div inside the form.
    As you told to solve the problem in safari disable the dialog's show animation .. but I am not showing dialog with any animation effect. we are calling simply 

    Yet not working even in safari.
     //// Initialization code is as below...
     $("#divEditorDialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false,
                dialogClass: 'dialog', draggable: false,
                resizable: false, width: 800,
                modal: true, zIndex: 20, minHeight: 500,
                open: function(type, data) {
    Please let us know the proper solution to solve this.
    Looking forward to replay.
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