CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

Last post 08-19-2010, 7:53 AM by Eric. 6 replies.
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  •  06-21-2010, 6:23 AM 61894

    CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

    Here is a weird situation that I hope you can help with.
    We just upgraded to CE 6.6.  The control works fine on the development machine and on the test server.
    Last night I published it to the production machine and the control won't load in IE8 or FF.
    In IE I get a JS error:
    Message: Unterminated string constant
    Line: 3
    Char: 20271
    Code: 0
    In FF the JS seems corrupt, like this:
    The control loads in Safari but the toolbars aren't quite right.
    The control loads OK in IE6 (although I haven't confirmed that personally).
    We have confirmed that the files are the same across environments.  Do you have any idea why we might be seeing this in our production environment?
    If possible on your end, I'd be happy to give you credentials so you can see the issue.
  •  06-21-2010, 9:30 AM 61896 in reply to 61894

    Re: CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

    Please send credentials to [email protected], we will check it.
  •  06-21-2010, 11:51 AM 61900 in reply to 61896

    Re: CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

    Thanks Eric,
    I had to roll back to the previous version to get people working again. 
    I'll try to set up a test case so I can return to this issue (this may not happen for a week or so).
  •  07-26-2010, 11:00 AM 62712 in reply to 61900

    Re: CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

    Here is an update on this (the week delay was more like 4 weeks)
    We made a little test app to illustrate the problem. I'm hoping it will be obvious to you what is going on.
    Here is the test app on our test server - it works OK:
    Here is the test app on our production server - it gets the JS error shown below and the control doesn't load:

    Message: Unterminated string constant
    Line: 3
    Char: 20271
    Code: 0

    I get the same error in IE and FF (it's loading a different file but it gives the same error)
    I assume this is a deployment or configuration error of some kind, but I can't determine what it might be.
    Thanks for your help.
    - Jeff
  •  07-27-2010, 12:46 AM 62725 in reply to 62712

    Re: CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

    Hi jfoster100 ,
    Can you set up ftp access for me of your test server ( )? I will check it and get back to you as soon as possible.
    Please send the information to [email protected]
  •  08-19-2010, 7:46 AM 63517 in reply to 62725

    Re: CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

    CuteSoft support determined there was a tiny amount of corruption in the JS files used by CE (1 / 20,000 chars?)
    The production server uses ISAPI module HttpZip for compression.  After adding *.ashx as an HttpZip exclusion for the affected site the issue went away.
    Thanks for the help with this.
  •  08-19-2010, 7:53 AM 63518 in reply to 63517

    Re: CuteEditor not loading after deployment to production

    Glad to know this issue is resolved.
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