Having Troubles Getting to Work on ASP.net 2

Last post 05-23-2005, 2:13 PM by cutechat. 3 replies.
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  •  05-21-2005, 1:35 AM 6873

    Having Troubles Getting to Work on ASP.net 2

    Hey Ladies and Gents -- has any success getting cute chat and messenger to work on asp.net beta2  - i am followoing the directions in the redist and to no avial it gets no futher than the authentication window ...

    any help you could provide would be great --

    either post here or send priv. to [email protected]


  •  05-22-2005, 2:05 PM 6893 in reply to 6873

    Re: Having Troubles Getting to Work on ASP.net 2

    Could you provide more information ? are you using window authentication mode ?
    Regards , Terry .
  •  05-23-2005, 2:03 PM 6930 in reply to 6893

    Re: Having Troubles Getting to Work on ASP.net 2

    is the determined in the vdir or in the config.web -- ?
  •  05-23-2005, 2:13 PM 6931 in reply to 6873

    Re: Having Troubles Getting to Work on ASP.net 2

    I have test it in IIS , Asp.Net Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50215.44; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50215.44  .
    It's OK on my PC (WinXP Pro)

    Do you use IIS or WebServer Of VS2005 ? Internet Explorer ?
    Regards , Terry .
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