Pre purchase question - does this require extra php modules on the server?

Last post 07-23-2012, 9:47 AM by mediakitchen. 4 replies.
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  •  07-20-2012, 3:58 AM 74180

    Pre purchase question - does this require extra php modules on the server?

    I was looking for a solution yesterday for a non-flash  file uploader that includes a progress bar and will work on IE 7 and later. The only solutions I did find required having some APC PHP module installed on the server, something my shared hosting account does not have and the support were unable to install.
    I was therefore surprised and pleased to find the PHP File Uploader by cutesoft.
    Can you confirm this will work on all browsers and will work on IE going back to IE7?
    Can you also confirm if anything extra is required on the server apart from the standard PHP installation? I believe I have PHP 5.3 on my hosting account server.
    Basically my requirement is to create a form that allows a user to upload a single video file and at the same time insert some information into a database.
    I look forward to your reply.
  •  07-20-2012, 7:46 AM 74185 in reply to 74180

    Re: Pre purchase question - does this require extra php modules on the server?

    hi mediakitchen,
    Can you confirm this will work on all browsers and will work on IE going back to IE7?

    Supported Browsers

    Ajax Uploader supports all major browsers and platforms (both on PC and Mac, where applicable). 

    Uplevel Browsers:

    • Internet Explorer 5.5+;
    • all Gecko-based browsers - Mozilla 1.0+, FireFox, Netscape 7+;
    • Opera 8.0+.
    • Safari 1.3+

    Downlevel browses:

    • It will render as a regular PHP upload control.
    Can you also confirm if anything extra is required on the server apart from the standard PHP installation? I believe I have PHP 5.3 on my hosting account server.
    Has not extra requirements on the server

    Web Server Requirements

    • Operating System: Linux, Unix, Windows
    • Web Server: Apache Web Server, IIS
    • Scripting Language: PHP 5.0 or above
  •  07-23-2012, 7:23 AM 74194 in reply to 74185

    Re: Pre purchase question - does this require extra php modules on the server?

    Thanks Ken - that is just what I needed to hear.
    One more (Probably dumb question).
    I would like my form to include the file plus some fields of information that will be inserted into a database on the server.
    Is it possible for the form not to submit as soon as the file is selected? i.e the user could select the file first, then complete the other form fields then click a submit button.
    Thanks in advance 
  •  07-23-2012, 9:22 AM 74201 in reply to 74194

    Re: Pre purchase question - does this require extra php modules on the server?

    Hi mediakitchen,
    please try example I think it is what you need. You can find the source code of it in the  download package.
  •  07-23-2012, 9:47 AM 74203 in reply to 74201

    Re: Pre purchase question - does this require extra php modules on the server?

    Hey Ken - gotta hand it to you - not only does it appear you have a rock solid product, your customer service is second to none!!
    Thank you - that is just what I was after. 
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