Server side exception, failed to upload

Last post 09-04-2013, 1:44 PM by Kenneth. 3 replies.
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  •  08-31-2013, 4:43 AM 77942

    Server side exception, failed to upload

    Hi all,


    I have a trouble, i use php uploader, when i upload file *.apk, it have errror


    Server side exception, failed to upload DarkAvenger_1.1.7.apk

    Debug Information:

    Php No Request Files 


    Help me, plz. 


  •  09-02-2013, 1:27 PM 77947 in reply to 77942

    Re: Server side exception, failed to upload

    Hi goldseiker,


    Does it get problem with small size apk file too? Can you use echo phpinfo(); to ouput all php settings? So I can check the large file upload settings. And please check php setting "upload_tmp_dir", ensure that you have set value for it and your site has the write/read permission of the folder you set for.


    You can send the info to [email protected] too.





  •  09-04-2013, 2:18 AM 77951 in reply to 77947

    Re: Server side exception, failed to upload

    Hi Ken,


    I can upload another file photo, but I can't upload file *.APK . Max file upload i've set in php.ini 200mb.


    I've edit file demo2.php




    Thanks for your help.

  •  09-04-2013, 1:44 PM 77956 in reply to 77951

    Re: Server side exception, failed to upload

    Hi goldseiker,


    Does it get problem with all apk file? did you try the small one? for example 10KB? does it get the same issue?


    Is your site online? if so, can you send me your uploader page url? so I can check it for you directly.


    And can you use echo phpinfo() to output all php settings? so we can check the settings for you too.





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