Error on "Insert Image"

Last post 09-09-2013, 1:26 PM by Kenneth. 2 replies.
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  •  09-09-2013, 9:07 AM 77963

    Error on "Insert Image"



    I have a problem on clicking the button "insert image". It shows an alert message with html-content of the current page (s. Screenshot 1 attached).

    RTE is embedded within a CRM-Application (UpdateCRM, as a new div within iframe.


    Anyone know, what might the cause of this? 


    Screenshot 1. Alert message with html content of current page (iframe) 



    I also did some test outside the iframe and get a different alert message (s. Screenshot 2).


    Screenshot 2. Alert message outside iframe 


    I do not know, if those messages related to each other, but I would be great if anyone can give me a hint on this.


    Thanks in advance and best regards,



  •  09-09-2013, 10:30 AM 77964 in reply to 77963

    Re: Error on "Insert Image"

    Where should I specify the UploadUrl?


    I already changed the config in default.config, admin.config and guest.config. But it keeps showing the above error message "uploader require form if scope. UploadUrl is not specified".


    After clicking the OK-Button, I can see the images in the specified directory (this also happens on "Image Gallery"). Upon clicking the "Upload Image"-Button nothing happens.


    I would appreciate any help / hint regardint this.


    Thanks and regards,

  •  09-09-2013, 1:26 PM 77966 in reply to 77964

    Re: Error on "Insert Image"

    Hi mwinata,


    Can you show me what path you set for the image/galler store folder in the default.config?


    Can you create an example page with the code below and post the page url here? So we can check it directly. Also, you can send to [email protected]


    1. <%@ Page Language="c#" ValidateRequest="false" %>  
    3. <%@ Register TagPrefix="RTE" Namespace="RTE" Assembly="RichTextEditor" %>  
    4. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
    5. <html xmlns="">  
    6. <head>  
    7.     <title>example</title>  
    9. </head>  
    11. <body>  
    12.     <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">  
    13.         <RTE:Editor ID="editor1" runat="server" />  
    14.     </form>  
    15. </body>  
    16. </html>  




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