Entered text deleted while loading editor

Last post 06-27-2005, 12:14 AM by Adam. 4 replies.
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  •  06-16-2005, 2:27 AM 7666

    Entered text deleted while loading editor

    Hiya Adam.  Just a niggling issue a number of users have reported:

    Upon loading of the editor, which can take some time, due to the number of toolbars / images etc, it is possible to begin entering text in the editor, before the load is completed.

    However after the editor completes loading it deletes any text that has been entered in the meantime. I assume it is injecting any previously saved data into the editor, at the end of the routine.  In the situation where there is none (such as adding a new post to these forums) it injects nothing (thereby deleting any text the user has entered while waiting for the editor to load).

    I realise this would probably only occur on first load of the editor (ie before images etc are cached), however it still confuses some users.

    Would it be possible to re-arrange the order that this routine is run so as to avoid this issue?  I assume it would have to wait until the CSS classes are run, but thought it may still be possible..

    (occurs on Firefox, IE seems to have a slightly different behaviour - still testing)


  •  06-16-2005, 2:49 AM 7667 in reply to 7666

    Re: Entered text deleted while loading editor

    The exact same issue is causing me problems as well.

    I load the contents of the editor, which is in a popup, using javascript. I load the contents from a field in the parent window. The event is fired using the browser onload.

    The content appears for a split second then is cleared by some other event.

    This occurs using IE6

  •  06-20-2005, 8:12 AM 7769 in reply to 7667

    Re: Entered text deleted while loading editor

  •  06-23-2005, 7:34 PM 7971 in reply to 7769

    Re: Entered text deleted while loading editor

    Bump again :)

    I think it is also why the editors take focus.

    When I have many editors on a page and several are below the visible screen the editors take focus in no particular order and can cause the screen to scroll down.

  •  06-27-2005, 12:14 AM 8026 in reply to 7971

    Re: Entered text deleted while loading editor

    The focus issue has been resolved in the latest build.
    Please download it from:
    We are investigating the other issue.

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