CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!

Last post 07-27-2005, 10:57 AM by Adam. 6 replies.
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  •  07-17-2005, 11:06 PM 8814

    CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!

    We are happy to announce the newest build (version 4.1) of our software - CuteEditor for ASP  is available.

    If you still have the CuteEditor Delivery email, click the URL in the email to download your control.

    If you deleted the delivey email, please write to [email protected] .
    New Features and Improvements:
    • The new Editor.RemoveTBODYTag Property has been introduced. 

      By default Internet Explorer HTML parser automatically insert TBODY tag after any TABLE tag. When this property is set to true, CuteEditor strips out the TBODY tags.  
      For example:

      editor.RemoveTBODYTag = true

    • The new Editor.UseSimpleAmpersand Property has been introduced. 

      W3C recommend that all '&' in query strings be converted to & This is the only way to get a piece of HTML validated. The reason is that & is the start of an HTML entity, such as £

      So this: 
              <a href="page.aspx?var1=one&amp;va­r2=two">link</a>
      is valid, whereas:
              <a href="page.aspx?var1=one&var2=t­wo">link</a>

    If you still want to use simple Ampersand in query strings, you can set this property to true. if you want to retrieve the CuteEditor HTML content in XHTML format, the 'UseSimpleAmpersand' property will be ignored.  

    For example:

    editor.UseSimpleAmpersand  = true

    • The new Editor.DisableAutoFormatting Property has been introduced. 

      By default Cute Editor will carefully analyze all of your HTML code and begin correcting all errors automatically. What you get is professionally presented code, properly reformatted and ready for use. If you want to preserve the formatting of existing HTML, you can turn this feature off by setting Editor.DisableAutoFormatting property to "true".


      editor.DisableAutoFormatting = true 

    • The new Editor.EnableStripScriptTags Property has been introduced. 

      This property allows you specify whether to remove inject script before write the string into the db.


      editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false

    • The new Editor.EditorOnPaste Property has been introduced. 

      This property allows you specify specify the manner in which the editor handles pasted text.


      PasteBehavior (Enumerates the manners in which the editor handles pasted text. )

      Member Name Description
      Default When you paste text into the editor it is not processed.
      Disabled Paste function is disabed.
      PasteWord When you pasting the content from Word into the editor, the non-required code that usually comes with pasting from Word are automatically cleaned up.
      PasteText When you paste text into the editor, all HTML formatting is stripped. This option is ideal for content management systems where you want absolute control over the formatting
      ConfirmWord When you pasting the content from Word into the editor, will prompt users with a popup prompt to clean the non-required code.


      editor.EditorOnPaste = "ConfirmWord"

    • The new Editor.UseNetSpell Property has been introduced. 

      The NetSpell project is a free spell checking engine written entirely in managed C# .net code. Package includes a medium sized English dictionaries. Suggestions for misspelled words are generated using phonetic (sounds like) matching and ranked by a typographical score (looks like). Also supports "ignore all" and "replace all" misspelled-word handling.

      For detail information, please check Site.

      Please note that: You need to have the .NET framework installed on your web server to use this feature. If not, you need to set the editor.UseNetSpell property to false to use the Iespell instead.


      editor.UseNetSpell = false

    • The new Editor.BaseHref Property has been introduced. 

      This property allows you set or retrieve the baseline URL on which relative links will be based. 


      editor.BaseHref = "" Chat
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  •  07-17-2005, 11:24 PM 8815 in reply to 8814

    Re: CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!

    Fixed Bugs:

    - Fixed: "Can't delete uploaded image" 

      We added the delete file, rename file, delete folder, rename folder functions in the image, flash, media dialogs.

    - Fixed: when the editor opens with no text, then the BreakElement setting gets ignored and defaults to <p>. 

    - Fixed: Javascript error when pressing the back button.

    - Fixed: Type of link missing in IE6 popup.

    - Fixed: RemoveServerNamesFromUrl not working in some situations.

    - Fixed: RemoveServerNamesFromUrl not working in some situations.

    As always we encourage suggestions and bug reports.
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  •  07-18-2005, 8:38 AM 8824 in reply to 8815

    Re: CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!

    Great news! Please tell us in which files you have fixed the stuff (filenames). We have modified some files from the editor for special functions (for our own cms).
    thanks! best regards from switzerland
  •  07-18-2005, 7:42 PM 8842 in reply to 8815

    Re: CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!

    A few questions Adam,

    1) If as a customer I purchased CuteEditor in the past 30 days, do I still have to pay for the upgrade to 4.1 from 4.0?

    2) How do you download it

    3) Are the installation docs updated?

  •  07-18-2005, 7:47 PM 8843 in reply to 8842

    Re: CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!


    >>1) If as a customer I purchased CuteEditor in the past 30 days, do I still have to pay for the upgrade to 4.1 from 4.0?

    If you own a copy of the CuteEditor version 4.0, it's free to upgrade to version 4.1.

    >>2) How do you download it

    If you still have the CuteEditor Delivery email, click the URL in the email to download your control.

    If you deleted the delivey email, please write to [email protected] .
    >>3) Are the installation docs updated?
    Keep me posted.
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  •  07-27-2005, 4:00 AM 9078 in reply to 8814

    Re: CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!

    How can you tell which version you download?  The filename in my email just says version 4.
    Also do you have instruction on installing the netspell files? Do they just install in the same root or do they installed elsewhere?
  •  07-27-2005, 10:57 AM 9088 in reply to 9078

    Re: CuteEditor for ASP version 4.1 is available!

    >> How can you tell which version you download?  The filename in my email just says version 4.

    The file name is same with version 4.0.  All you need to do is downloading the control again.
    >>Also do you have instruction on installing the netspell files? Do they just install in the same root or do they installed elsewhere?

    Deploying the netSpell.dll assembly and dictionary files

    Please note that you need to have the .NET framework installed on your web server to use this feature. If not, you can skip this step and use the IEspell instead.

    The following files should be deployed to the \bin directory for the web application that uses the CuteEditor.

    • NetSpell.SpellChecker.dll
    • en-US.dic

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