Serious help with deployment needed

Last post 08-03-2005, 8:46 PM by mat41. 12 replies.
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  •  07-22-2005, 3:05 PM 8990

    Serious help with deployment needed

    Hi everyone.

    I'm trying to get my CuteSoft for ASP going and am having lots of problems.

    I can't figure out how to get the editor's content to display on a page, how to have it so the editor for pageA doesnt edit pageB.

    I don't want the editor to appear where the end result is.

    Please help. These docs are making no sense to me whatsoever.


  •  07-22-2005, 3:51 PM 8991 in reply to 8990

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    Ok... Adam helped me with getting the basics of getting the editor going and saving the stuff. Now the problem is calling the info for various pages. How do I tell Page A to pull content that's different than Page C.

    I see the Get_HtmlContent.asp is what displays what is entered into the editor, but surely there's a way to identify multiple pages?
  •  07-22-2005, 7:19 PM 8998 in reply to 8991

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    I think this requires customization on your end ...

    I had to customized mine so that it would grabs all the information from a database, therefore it knows which pages to display and save from each page's ID # ...

    If you are editing static pages in a folder, then I think you might have to create an interface to display these html files, set a variable for each file, like use the file name as the variable, then create an edit function that will identify each page by the variables that is set for it, pass the variable to the editor so it will know which page to pull up and save ..

    I'm sure there's alot more to it, but this is just off the top of my head ...

    Hope that helps :)

  •  07-25-2005, 2:21 PM 9039 in reply to 8998

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    Ok... someone must have used this program that is reading these forums that can give me some sample code or something to use.

    I don't want to screw it up. And I am sure I have pestered Adam enough.

    While talking to Adam last week he asked me if I did ASP coding. I do, but not to this degree. Simple stuff is about as far as I have gone.

    I'm willing to pay someone $50 to help me get this thing going. I have a client that has to launch in a week and I am at about my wits end.
  •  07-25-2005, 5:18 PM 9045 in reply to 9039

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    I would like to help you, but unfortunately what your are asking seems more complicated then simple coding ... Based on what you described, I think you will need to create a visual interface for your clients before you can even start implenting your editor ... I mean, how are you setting up your editor so that clients can choose a page to edit??? did you create an interface that pulls and displays the pages in a specific clients folder??? Did you create an edit function so that the editor will know which page it is pulling and which page it is saving??? Is what you are creating requires authentication to access??? Will this be setup online so your clients can access it the editor anywhere, or is it just for intranet access only???

    This is why Adam ask you if you had done any ASP coding because what you are asking requires some fairly advance knowledge .... 

    Sorry I can't be any help...

  •  07-25-2005, 5:48 PM 9046 in reply to 9045

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    about the project:

    The site is an internet site, with only 2 - 3 people allowed to edit the content on the pages. I have a password protection system in place so unauthorized people can not get in there.

    There is only 7 pages to the site.

    Each page needs to be editable. From what I was able to read, I should be able to have an include that pulls the information that is entered with the cutesoft system.

    I have not been able to make it so a client can choose which page to edit. Heck, I can't even get one editor to push to one page.

    I was thinking seperate editors for each page. edit_default.asp pushes content to default.asp, edit_become.asp pushes to become.asp and so on.

    The site itself is done being created. That's not a problem.

    Let's start with the basics.. How do I tell the default.asp page to pull the content that is edited online? Simple, one page editor and one page end result.
  •  07-25-2005, 8:31 PM 9048 in reply to 9046

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    Hmmm... I was thinking of an entire CMS, but yours doesn't seem that complex ... How are your clients accessing the editor?? Is through a link you provide ???  If so, then create a function to replace that link so that it can pass an identifier for your pages ...
    For example, create a script to loop through your HTML directory that will display anything that has the .html or .htm extension. For each of the page you loop through, set a identifier for it. Let's say, if your page is Home.html, then set a new variable, lets say page_name = the name of the file... This could be tricky if you have files with space in them, you will have to replace the spaces with %20, and sor forth with ' or "  .... In that loop, create an edit link or button that will refer to all the identifiers you want for that page ... So the links i guess would be editor.asp?page_name=Home.html ... Set in your editor file the script to catch the page_name variable, whether it is in a form or a link you will have to use either a request.form or request.quertystring depending on how you want to pass your page_name variable ...

    You will have to do the same with the Save function so it will know which page to save it to ...

    This is of course based on my assumption of how the editor works when calling from files instead of DB content. I might be a bit off, but I am sure the general idea is the same ...

  •  07-25-2005, 9:35 PM 9049 in reply to 9048

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    How would I call from the DB to place the db record into a page?
  •  07-26-2005, 11:49 AM 9060 in reply to 9049

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    How familiar are you with Macromedia Dreamweaver and the "update" server behavior? 

    If you can create a database table to store the data and a page to view/edit the contents, I can help you with the code you need to get the content back into the database. You can use an Access or SQL server db.
  •  07-26-2005, 1:12 PM 9065 in reply to 9060

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    i code by hand with homesite :(
  •  07-26-2005, 3:31 PM 9071 in reply to 9065

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    Can you write a page in asp vbscript that will retrieve a recordset from a database and place it into a form and then write it back to the database with a submit function?  (Macromedia Dreamweaver writes this in a few clicks of a mouse.)

    If so, I think I can give you the code you need. Adam has some examples of entering information into a database in the samples, but what I am doing is actually retrieving the html content from the db table cells, editing the content if needed and then writing it back into the same cells again. If this sounds like what you want to do, let me know. However, my code is written around the Macromedia server behaviors which are based on vbscript.
    In my site there are two pages, one which "edits" the content and one that "displays" the stored recordset on the page in html code.
    If this sounds like what you want to do, let me know. However, my code is written around the Macromedia server behaviors which are in vbscript.
  •  07-27-2005, 8:36 PM 9103 in reply to 9071

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    I can't do what you are asking.. still somewhat fuzzy on the database/asp/vb thing..

    What you are doing sounds like what I need to do. Am interested in seeing your code and trying it.

    My email is [email protected] and you can find all of my contact info on

    I will be out of town Thurs 7/28 - 8/1 but checking email.


  •  08-03-2005, 8:46 PM 9265 in reply to 9103

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    ;;;still somewhat fuzzy on the database/asp/vb thing..
    I am new to Cute Soft but am an ASP guy, what do you need to know?  For non Cute Soft issues that are database/asp/vbScript related visit  This is the best ASP forum going round with a solid group of senior member that are very helpful.  Probably best we have ASP related discussions there.
    FYI You shouldnt place your email address in pulic forums unless you want lots of un soliceted mail.  Put some spaces in there to avoid robots detecting your address.

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