Upon upgrading to 4.5 the netspell button no longer worked.
<item type="netspell"/>
The line above was being used, but the netspell image didn't show up and the button was disabled. There was only a correctly sized placeholder in its place. When I viewed source on the editor this was the image tag for netspell:
<img Command="" width="20" height="20" class="CuteEditorButton" src="/MyApp/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Themes/Office2003_BlueTheme/Images/.gif.aspx" title="[[]]" />
Notice the blank command and the lack of an image name.
So I changed the netspell line to this:
<item type="image" name="Netspell"/>
and netspell worked like a champ, but was still missing an image in the toolbar. I still have a correctly sized placeholder, but now when I mouseover the placeholder the border turns yellow and pressing it opens NetSpell. Viewing the source of the editor reveals this for netspell:
<img Command="Netspell" width="20" height="20" class="CuteEditorButton" src="/MyApp/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Themes/Office2003_BlueTheme/Images/Netspell.gif.aspx" title="Spell Check" />
Everything looks good except my download of 4.5 doesn't contain a Netspell.gif file.