Several questions after evaluating CuteChat

Last post 10-03-2005, 11:00 PM by Adam. 2 replies.
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  •  08-05-2005, 4:36 PM 9315

    Several questions after evaluating CuteChat

    Hi,<br />
    I have the following questions regarding CuteChat:
    <br />
    1) A user who is not logged in can see the member list - can it be
    hidden for users not logged in? If so, how?
    <br />
    2) CuteChat does not seem to work with Opera 8.x. Any plans to
    support this browser?
    <br />
    3) Can CuteChat be configured to e-mail a transcript of the session
    after the session has completed? If so, how?
    <br />
    4) If the chat window is iconized and a message is recieved, the
    window is restored. Can this behavior be disabled so that the
    window remains iconized, but simply flashes in the task bar?
    If so, how?
    <br />
    5) It seems the chat window cannot be resized below a certian
    limit (this is most annoying). Can this lower limit be changed?
    If so, how?
    <br />
    6) Can the maximum age limit of 100 years be changed?
    If so, how?
    <br />
    7) When clicking send to send a message, the window "wobbles"
    as the texbox window size rapidly changes in the browser. Can
    this behaviour be fixed (it made me feel sick after a while!)
    If so, how?
    <br />
    Cheers,<br />
  •  08-09-2005, 10:17 AM 9399 in reply to 9315

    Re: Several questions after evaluating CuteChat

    No replies... at all?
  •  10-03-2005, 11:00 PM 11345 in reply to 9315

    Re: Several questions after evaluating CuteChat


    I am sorry for the late response.

    >>1) A user who is not logged in can see the member list - can it be
    hidden for users not logged in? If so, how?
    The sample portal project is a open source project. You can modify it to suit your own requirements.
    >>2) CuteChat does not seem to work with Opera 8.x. Any plans to
    support this browser?

    We don't have plan to support opera right now.

    >>3) Can CuteChat be configured to e-mail a transcript of the session
    after the session has completed? If so, how?

    No. This will be a feature of our new product, Cute Live Support.

    >>4) If the chat window is iconized and a message is recieved, the
    window is restored. Can this behavior be disabled so that the
    window remains iconized, but simply flashes in the task bar?
    If so, how?

    By default, the chat window always get the focus. if your client feel annoying, they can disable this feature by uncheck this option in the control panel.

    5) It seems the chat window cannot be resized below a certian
    limit (this is most annoying). Can this lower limit be changed?
    If so, how?

    Remove the banner section from your page. That will resolve the problem.

    6) Can the maximum age limit of 100 years be changed?
    If so, how?

    The sample portal project is a open source project. You can modify it to suit your own requirements.

    7) When clicking send to send a message, the window "wobbles"
    as the texbox window size rapidly changes in the browser. Can
    this behaviour be fixed (it made me feel sick after a while!)
    If so, how?

    We will investigate this issue and get back to you as soon as possible.

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