Paste from word document

Last post 08-29-2005, 9:56 AM by Sjur. 2 replies.
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  •  03-03-2005, 4:15 PM 4380

    Paste from word document

    when I try to paste a text from the word document, I get a dialog box saying "Do you want to clean the code before pasting". My questions are:
    1. What actually happens from the users point of view if they chose not to clean the code?
    2. Will there be any problem with the outer page layout in my application if I chose to clean the code?
    3. If the user is not familiar with cleaning code etc.. does that dialog box means anything to him?
    4. Is there any way to configure to clean or not to clean the code without promting the users?
    5. In my application, I don't even get that dialog box to clean the code, am I missing something?

    Hope to get answers  to all the above concerns 

  •  03-03-2005, 4:26 PM 4381 in reply to 4380

    Re: Paste from word document

    1. What actually happens from the users point of view if they chose not to clean the code?

    When you pasting the content from Word into the editor, the non-required code that usually comes with pasting from Word.

    2. Will there be any problem with the outer page layout in my application if I chose to clean the code?

    See above.
    3. If the user is not familiar with cleaning code etc.. does that dialog box means anything to him?

    See above.

    4. Is there any way to configure to clean or not to clean the code without promting the users?
    5. In my application, I don't even get that dialog box to clean the code, am I missing something?

    Editor.EditorOnPaste Property

    Specifies the manner in which the editor handles pasted text.

    PasteBehavior Enumeration

    Enumerates the manners in which the editor handles pasted text.


    Member Name

    DefaultWhen you paste text into the editor it is not processed.
    DisabledPaste function is disabed.
    PasteWordWhen you pasting the content from Word into the editor, the non-required code that usually comes with pasting from Word are automatically cleaned up.
    PasteTextWhen you paste text into the editor, all HTML formatting is stripped. This option is ideal for content management systems where you want absolute control over the formatting
    ConfirmWordWhen you pasting the content from Word into the editor, will prompt users with a popup prompt to clean the non-required code. Chat
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  •  08-29-2005, 9:56 AM 9982 in reply to 4381

    Re: Paste from word document

    Does this work in the new version..??

    And how do I write this function?

    Editor.Editoronpaste = PasteWord ??

    Don't seem to work with me...

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