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  • Re: Is It Possible To Have Multiple Rooms

    Thanks for the quick answer. &nbsp; Here's an example&nbsp;scenario I am trying to find a solution for... Please let me know if Live Support can do that and if so, how. &nbsp; We have 4 operators with expertise in Windows Issues, 4 operators with expertise in Mac Issues and 4 operators with Microsoft Office Issues. &nbsp; We want to ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by chicago07 on April 27, 2007
  • Is It Possible To Have Multiple Rooms

    1. Is it possible to have multiple ''rooms'' in Cute Live Support? If so, how? How will a&nbsp;web user&nbsp;connect to a particular chat room? &nbsp; &nbsp; 2. What is the purpose of Room Administration? What does it mean to create a Lobby? Where does the lobby show up and how can users log in? &nbsp; Thanks.
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by chicago07 on April 27, 2007