
You searched for the word(s): upload
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  • worker process keeps control of files after upload

    I am having trouble with file uploads. The w3wp worker process seems to keep control of files after upload. How do I force it to release those files. I am using CopyTo instead of MoveTo because of the access problem this has generated. using CopyTo isnt the problem since all temp files are deleted over time but the worker process balooning in ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by jpchatt on October 9, 2009
  • Server side validation before upload.

    Hi all, This post is more a feedback, than a question. I was really surprised, that upload control doesn't have any server side validation before upload, only client side. I was forced to use AJAX callback in order to emulate  this functionality.  IMO, it makes sense to add  such an event, especially it doesn't seems to be ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Michael Raizman on September 24, 2009
  • Re: upload of files with same filenames

    what if we want to prevent the user from queueing multiple duplicates files? this can be done by negating a selection if the user is selecting 1 file at a time to queue up but if a user is selecting multiple files at a time and one fo those files happens to be in the queue already the only way to prevent that duplicate from showing up in the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by jpchatt on September 23, 2009
  • How to Change upload picture location

    Hi,   We've got a situation where we wants different people to be able to see their own folder with their own picture and not allow them to see  or upload other people's picture, is there a way to specify a location where the upload folder is or disallow user to brower other people's folder under the _upload directory by disabling ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Venus2009 on September 16, 2009
  • Re: Refreshing the page after upload

    That is basically what I do, I think, but as I return the HTML as a result to a function I use GetString(). The HTML should be the same on the client though. After the upload is complete (when it works, it only works about half the times - see my other post regarding temp directory) it just sits there. Hitting F5 will reload the page. I have a ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by Rickard on August 21, 2009
  • Upload suddenly stopped working in Firefox - fixed by installing Silverlight plugin

    My application was running fine. Then the 30 day trial license expired, and I purchased a license. As part of the purchase I received a new 90 temporary license which I am currently using.   Immediately after doing this, the upload stopped working for some users using Firefox, but not all, with the following changes in behavior: The file ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by rgprints on August 18, 2009
  • Upload Permissions - LogonAs method?

    I'm interested in the Upload component however I just have a permission related question. In classic ASP I use the Persits ASPUpload component and it has a ''LogonAs'' method which makes it VERY easy to impersonate a specific user account whilst uploading files. This makes the job of securing files very easy to accomplish. Does the Upload ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Dunce! on August 12, 2009
  • Unable to upload file. Please check folder permissions.

    In the image popup, i click the ''upload'' button, select my image file, then get the following:    Unable to upload file. Please check folder permissions.   We have the same code running and working on our production server, but get the error above on our dev server.  I've double checked the folder persmissions and they ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by aswaagman on July 22, 2009
  • Regarding Batch Upload of images.

    Hello,            I want to upload more than one image at a time.          Is this possible by using cutesoft control? Also i want to resize image before upload . Can you give any online example        ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by pradnyaj on June 18, 2009
  • Re: Upload Files to a Network Based Virtual Directory

    Hi Terry,   We keep getting the following error message when trying to upload a file to another server: Access to the path '\\san02\appdata$\ERMS\Training\Requisition ID 100.5e5ffe09-68e9-4b70-9f2f-03043a36482a.File Upload - Sample 4.xls.resx' is denied.   This is funny because we are testing with full control as a ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by noname606 on June 17, 2009
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