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Hi Adam,
Your example works well, but a suggestion I would offer would be to actually post the code that makes the example work. It's very difficult to get anything out of the example you have there except to see that it's possible. Unless I am missing something, then I apologize.
Hi again, now after rebooting my workstation, I noticed that actually ''insert emotions'' works fine as long as I don't click Insert image, document etc buttons. Those insert file buttons cause the crash of IE, and after clicking them every button to open a dialog crashes IE until I reboot the PC.When I click some of Insert files buttons in FF, I ...
alonsorobles ,
It's a limitation of the HTML5 <input> now.
The XSD mimetype is application/xml , and the browser will handle it as "*.xml"
So , for HTML5 upload mode , it's not able to select XSD if you want to hide other file types.
Here's two options :
1 - add this ...
Thanks for the fast reply.
So when I used the code above I didn't get the error message, but the 'upload' button still doesn't work.
However, ...
We had reported by a customer strange bevior today regarding various failures within the editor. More specifcially we have observed following errors being evoked:
failure to load liscence file
internal server errors within dialogs - example images, file upload, media, etc.
These are new issues as reported to us and have ...
sorry it is not working, When I call the page ''InsertIage.aspx'' from my page, I see an error- System.Exception: can't not find querystring 'setting' from request! . I have a button and onclick of it to invoke the javascript - window.open('../CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertFile.aspx' , 'Insert Files', ...
Dear Angelo,
''UploadModule is not installed into web.config'', please refer to http://ajaxuploader.com/Deployment.htm, you need check whether you followed step 2. If you are not sure which mode you are using, you can try those two configurations.
To use multiple files choose, you need install silverlight or flash in the cilent ...
Hi Tobster, If you want to put the value to server side from client side, please try passing through asp:HiddenField. Like the example ...
Thanks to your wonderful support, I have a nice-looking, easy-to-use functionality for our site.
I have one user who has come accros an issue when he is trying to slect his files. The first time he visited the site, he was able to click the ''Add files'' button on the uploader. After a failed attempt, however (the file ...
We have a website previously with a login system with Windows NT authentication. We are changing this to our own login form with custom login information and suchs. Now when we upload an image (which works in both situations) and then try to rename the file we get an error 'Unable to rename the item' (see screenshot). When we were still using ...
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