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  • Re: PHPfileuploader errors

    Perfect, worked first time.&nbsp;Thanks,Cary.
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cjmoore on June 24, 2009
  • Re: PHPfileuploader errors

    $uploader-&gt;TempDirectory=''/home/charterh/tmp'';&nbsp;This doesn't work for me, I changed the GetSystemTempFolder back to the original and tried the above and nothing happens, the file uploads ''somewhere'' but after the upload the ''Uploaded File:'' information doesn't appear. &nbsp;The MoveTo method just use the move function , so the ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cjmoore on June 24, 2009
  • Re: PHPfileuploader errors

    Hi Adam,&nbsp;After a bit of manipulation of the php scripts I've finally got it working.&nbsp;In include_phploader.php I had to modify the GetSystemTempFolder function....&nbsp;on my host system the upload_tmp_dir is null so I had to modify the path to my tmp folder &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cjmoore on June 23, 2009
  • Re: PHPfileuploader errors

    Thanks Adam but I have no control over the host max file limit. &nbsp; I'm more concerned with my 2nd problem, all files error with this type of warning &nbsp; 2) On smaller files I get an error using the MoveTo or CopyTo functions &nbsp; Uploaded File: FileName : 1G34.pdf FileSize : 5206 FilePath : ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cjmoore on June 20, 2009
  • Re: PHPfileuploader errors

    cjmoore:1) Uploading a 5 MB file displays a message box after the upload has taken place saying the file is too big (5.92 MB) although the max setting is 10MB OK, resolved this bit, the max file size setting on the server is 2MB
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cjmoore on June 19, 2009
  • PHPfileuploader errors

    Hi,&nbsp;I'm testing phpfileuploader on our site and have a few problems. &nbsp;Using the single file upload example &nbsp;1) Uploading a 5 MB file displays a message box after the upload has taken place saying the file is too big (5.92 MB) although the max setting is 10MB &nbsp;2) On smaller files I get an error using the MoveTo or CopyTo ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cjmoore on June 19, 2009