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  • Re: "Unable to find the uploaded file in directory : "

    Yes. I set the TempDirectory at server side. And yes, I set it to \\fileserver\folder. And it is the same path that the client alert is complaining over not being able to find the uploaded file in. I think this odd 'cous the webserver is putting the file in a folder on the fileserver and the client should not be trying to access it. &nbsp;This ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Dizzypointed on February 1, 2010
  • "Unable to find the uploaded file in directory : "

    Hello. &nbsp; I have implemented the ajax uploader on the comersial website that&nbsp;me and my collegues&nbsp;are developing. It has been working great with some exceptions. &nbsp; Exception 1 was a user on win xp IE 7 that did not have permission to install flash/silverlight plugins due to company policy. This resulted in a permissions ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Dizzypointed on January 29, 2010