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  • Re: info about cute editor

    Thank for the reply Eric.About math's formulas, i don't know c# and vb, i only know php. There is not ready ''plugin'' that do this? Then actually if i don't implement it, i can't insert any math's formulas in textareas?
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by neochmod on June 15, 2010
  • info about cute editor

    Hi, i'm searching the better wysiwyg editor for my application. I'm using tinymce but i have too many issues with customization and so i'd like to ask you some things. Using multiple istance on the same page i need: - to load the toolbar only when a textarea is focused - to change height, border's colors and background's color when a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by neochmod on June 15, 2010