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  • Re: Browse button not working in FireFox when Uploader in a dialog

    Hi Terry,&nbsp;In putting together a test case - I discovered that there is no issue with your control or our dialog box.&nbsp;It was in the application master page, where a div was positioned absolutely - changing it to relative fixed the issue.&nbsp;Thank you for forcing me not to be lazy!&nbsp;Cheers&nbsp;Mike&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by mikew24 on October 5, 2010
  • Browse button not working in FireFox when Uploader in a dialog

    Hi there,&nbsp;I have seen a couple of posts on this subject, but they don't seem to have been resolved.&nbsp;I have an Ajax Uploader (latest Version) in a dialog box (our own code written in js). When we click on the Insert (Browse) button nothing happens in Firefox 3.6. When setting the &nbsp;UploadAddonButtonMode=''Warning'' it just says file ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by mikew24 on October 4, 2010