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  • Re: RichDropdown get selected value in javascript

    I have found my problem with getting no items. The Id in GetElementById should have been CE_&lt;editor_id&gt;_ID, where I was trying to access it with &lt;editor_id&gt;. Now I have a new problem. The Item that is found it the entire dropdowntree and I would like to only get the the selected TreeItem. The DropDownTree consists of two levels (level ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Chaviv on October 31, 2005
  • Re: RichDropdown get selected value in javascript

    var editor1 = document.getElementById('CE_Editor1_ID'); var editor = document.getElementById('CE_Editor1_ID'); if(editor.all) { &#160;&#160;&#160; var lis=editor.all.tags(&quot;LI&quot;); &lt;--- this return a zero length list. So our code does not run. The length is also zero when an &#160;&#160;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Chaviv on October 20, 2005
  • Re: RichDropdown get selected value in javascript

    I did already notice that typo. The TreeListComponent is being created programmatically in C# like this: TreeDropDownList tree = (TreeDropDownList)toolControlInsertVeldDLL.Control; tree.ID = &quot;tree_id&quot;; IList berichtveldCategorieeen = TussenpersoonDAO.LoadBerichtVeldCategorieen(); foreach (BerichtVeldCategorie bvc in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Chaviv on October 18, 2005
  • Re: RichDropdown get selected value in javascript

    editor.all.tags(&quot;LI&quot;); does not return any items so the for loop exits immediately. I am using CuteEditor For .Net version 5.0
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Chaviv on October 17, 2005