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  • Re: CuteEditor doesn't have to be part of a CMS

    Thank you for the reply! It seems that this will work great then. I just need an easy way for them to make simple web edits because it will save a boatload of time. If you send me the source code, it'll just make me feel inadequate, lol, as I'd have no idea what I'm looking at. I'm not a programmer per se. I'll look at the example but it sounds as ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by gzellers on November 29, 2006
  • Dreamweaver and ASP Editor

    ....Editing this message. I think I just realized something that makes my question completely dumb and irrelevant. It looks like this software is meant to incorporate IN a CMS application. I thought it WAS a CMS solution. Oops! What I need is for people to be able to edit their web pages themselves. I don't need something overly robust. Just ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by gzellers on November 29, 2006
  • Re: CuteEditor as an Image Selector

    Hello, thank you for the insight. Now would this prevent them from being able to upload their own images if they wanted? With 80 different URLs they are all independent. What I'd like is for them to be able to just select from a group of banners that we offer. But, I don't want to nix their ability to upload photos if they need to. &nbsp; Quite ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by gzellers on November 29, 2006
  • CuteEditor as an Image Selector

    Hello, not too clear on this so I wanted to post. We manage 80+ web sites for our franchisees and want to give them the ability to make simple web changes themselves. It gets to be a bit time consuming when we have to change a sentence or two 80 times. :) All of our pages are static HTML and I know that's not&nbsp;a problem, but where I'm curious ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by gzellers on November 28, 2006
  • Re: Fonts????

    Hello, just thought I'd post an answer to your font question. In order for web visitors to see what you see in your WYSIWYG editor, they have to have that particular font installed on their machine. For example, if you used some offbeat curly font&nbsp;named Zippedydooda, the page wouldn't display properly unless they had that same font on their ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by gzellers on November 28, 2006