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  • Re: How to use the Gallery on a page with code-behind?

    OK, after a few other dead ends I guess I figured it out. &nbsp; First of all, one running IIS6 must give ''FULL CONTROL'' rights to a directory where XML file is going to be (I'm not sure which rights are necessary for a directory with photos if they are in a separate from XML file directory). To change rigths&nbsp;use Properties window of ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by PatMunits on August 26, 2004
  • Re: How to use the Gallery on a page with code-behind?

    ok, I tried. I created a new project with just DotNetGallery control&nbsp;in an ASPX&nbsp;form set to use a subdirectory with a ready-to-use XML file, photos and thumbnails. &nbsp; When I access the page like this: http://localhost/TestGallery/gallery.aspx &nbsp; I get this: Access to the path ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by PatMunits on August 26, 2004
  • How to use the Gallery on a page with code-behind?

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; I downloaded the DotNetGallery because it looks very close to what I'm looking for. &nbsp; I need to integrate it on a page that has additional user controls (for portal navigation, menus, etc) and code behind for essential intergration with a database. &nbsp; Whenever I try to access a page with DotNetGallery on it the ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by PatMunits on August 25, 2004