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  • still having problem with my domain license

    Hi All, &nbsp; Im still waiting for some one to help me witht my license problem, I have domain license and when I open any page with .net CET I get this error, please notice that I do not type the IP or use the IP, we are using the domain name in every thing: &nbsp; Error &#224; &nbsp; The License for Editor is not valid. &nbsp; You are ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by loai on August 20, 2007
  • License problem

    Hi All, &nbsp; Im really confused about htis, my .net CE works perfectly but some times it does not recognise the license file and gives me the following error, any suggestion! Im an administrator for an electronic news paper that is updated 24/7 and our editors keeps adding news articles each 10 - 15 min and this causes a big headach for me and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by loai on August 19, 2007
  • License problem

    Hi all, &nbsp; I got the cute editor 5.3 for try, I liked it and I paid for it, I applied the license&nbsp;as in your guides and walkthroughs. I stoped working on the project for a month or two, and when I started&nbsp;working on it again it gave an error as below: &nbsp; The License for Editor is not valid. You are using a trial license ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by loai on May 16, 2007