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  • Re: Chat - Integration Questions

    Hi Adam, Thanks for the answers provided to 3 and 4. I have a followup question for Item 5: I am already a user in my application.&nbsp; I have 4 windows including chat in a single page, which I can manage at client side js.&nbsp; And the chat window will be defaulty hidden (not closed, just hidden) (we are using google windoo api ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by nishadah on July 6, 2007
  • Chat - Integration Questions

    Hi, We have integrated cute chat into our web application. We need further assistance in customizing some of the features. Please provide a feedback on the following questions 1. Is there a way to remove a menu item from Tools bar (contains font, control panel etc)? We want to hide Control Panel, Skin, Emotions icons 2. HOw do we ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by nishadah on June 27, 2007