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  • Re: AspNetForums set up & customization

    Is there any easy way of creating new rooms? admin consol?, dialog box?, command line?&#160;Or should I just alter the database table &#8220;cutechat_room&#8221; ? Thanks WillSki
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by willski on December 16, 2004
  • Re: AspNetForums set up & customization

    If I could create a room for each Moderator, then maybe something like this could work.&#160;Lets say RoomId = ModeratorId;&#160;if(CuteChat.ChatFactory.HasSupportOperatorOnline(ModeratorId)&#160;if(ChatUtility.CurrentUserIsRoomAdmin(ModeratorId)){liveHelp.Attributes.Add(''onClick'',''openWindow('''/cutechat/SupportServer.Aspx?RoomID=&#8221;+ ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by willski on December 15, 2004
  • Re: AspNetForums set up & customization

    Hi Adam,&#160;Thanks for the Tip.&#160;Is there any documentation on CuteChat&#8217;s public API&#8217;s?&#160;My requirement&#160;is to list all Moderators using ab asp:repeater, show an icon next to each one displaying if they are currently online, display the LiveHelp icon next to that so that if they are online then Forum users can chat with ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by willski on December 15, 2004
  • AspNetForums set up & customization

    This looks like a great product.&#160;I would be ready to purchase a license right now for my project if it was not for the frustrating lack of documentation. (The CuteSoft Help file just does not cut it)&#160;I do not know if I have wasted a day installing &amp; testing yet, as I am still unable to see I can set CuteSoft up to work as we need ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by willski on December 14, 2004