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  • Re: EditorWysiwygModeCss Not working in Safari

    Hi again Adam No, it seems to work, but the CSS styles won't apply It seems that in Safari, the ability to apply the CSS from the dropdowns/view the CSS correctly does not work. Interestingly FF displays the image incorrectly (I assume) My code is as follows: Dim editor1 Set editor1 = New CuteEditor editor1.ID = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Graphite on December 5, 2008
  • Re: What are the IIS requirements for ASP 6.1

    Hi Adam Yes It appears that the code for the image/media popups uses &#160;response.codepage which is unsupported on IIS 5.0 (i.e. Win 2k servers). As the server on which we use Cute Editor is a Win 2k box I was trying to ascertain if I had missed a trick with the system requirements. Thanks Steve&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Graphite on December 5, 2008
  • What are the IIS requirements for ASP 6.1

    Hi Can someone point me to the system requirements for Cute Asp 6.1 please. We have just upgraded and are having a few problems and I wondered what were the min server (IIS) requirements for this version and where on the site does it table these? Thanks Steve&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Graphite on December 4, 2008
  • EditorWysiwygModeCss Not working in Safari

    Hi All I have just upgraded to version 6 ASP and don't seem to be able to get the&#160;EditorWysiwygModeCss parameter to function in Safari It is all working fine in FF(mac/PC) and &#160;IE7 but Safari on PC and Mac does not show the styles in the wysiwyg display Can anyone point me in the right ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Graphite on December 4, 2008