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  • Need help resolving SLM error:12029

    A user on our website is receiving a message from Windows Internet Explorer when they attempt to upload a file (via Ajax Uploader).  The message reads,''SLM Error:12029''.  What does this message mean and what can I do to resolve it?   Thanks for your attention to my problem!
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by RebeccaRude on January 24, 2012
  • MVC2 - 500 Internal Server Error

    Hi, We just purchased the AjaxUploader control, and we are getting the following error message randomly when we upload an image.  This problem happens more frequently on smaller images. ---------------------------Message from webpage---------------------------http error1 :500:Internal Server Error---------------------------OK ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by allanng on January 19, 2011